The Early Years
Salt has been around since the dawn of time, used by humans for thousands and possibly tens of thousands of years. Morton Salt is proud to take its place in the history of salt. The story of Morton Salt began during the Gold Rush, which created a seemingly endless demand for salt for adventure-seekers moving west. No wonder salt has been called white gold through the ages.
Alonzo Richmond launches his Chicago salt business: Richmond & Company, Agents for Ondondaga Salt.

After the previous year’s discovery of Gold in California, a huge appetite for salt is created by miners, the legendary Forty-Niners.
The long, hot and dry summer results in the Great Chicago Fire in October, burning a 600-block area of Michigan Pine housing. Salt demand continues during the rebuild.
Joy Morton acquires a major interest in Richmond & Company, renaming it Joy Morton & Company. His father, Sterling Morton, was the Nebraskan legislator responsible for Arbor Day.